Dr Tan Balance Method Acupuncture Immediate Reduce Neck pain, Lower back pain & Sciatica-Szenan Phua Hamilton, New Zealand

Dr Tan Balance Method Acupuncture Immediate Reduce Neck pain, Lower back pain & Sciatica-Hamitlon NZ

Peter has lower back pain for 20+ year, neck pain for 35 years and sciatic pain for 9 month.
I did acupuncture only on his L) hand and head, non of the acupuncture needle on the pain area(such as neck, lower back and right leg).
Pain immediate reduced from 8/10 to 0/10 within first session of acupuncture treatment.

If you want to learn Dr Tan Balance Method Acupuncture, Please email info@acupuncturetcmschool.com

From Szenan Phua


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